In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28

with a firm foundation
with a firm foundation

to a faithful community
to a faithful community

wise, eloquent, and virtuous
wise, eloquent, and virtuous
We aim to train devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, equipped with a biblical worldview by which they are able to evaluate the entire range of their experiences in light of the unchanging Word of God.
Classical Tradition
We use a time-tested classical curriculum to cultivate independent thinkers and confident communicators. Our students are equipped with the tools of logic to reason well, learn by asking questions, read original texts, and study the great minds and Great Books of Western civilization.
We aim to train devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, equipped with a biblical worldview by which they are able to evaluate the entire range of their experiences in light of the unchanging Word of God.
Classical Tradition
We use a time-tested classical curriculum to cultivate independent thinkers and confident communicators. Our students are equipped with the tools of logic to reason well, learn by asking questions, read original texts, and study the great minds and Great Books of Western civilization.
Known and Loved
We offer a supportive environment of small classes and a joyful culture. Our community comprises like-minded families who share a desire to train their children to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. With many opportunities throughout the year to cultivate relationships, our community feels more like a family.
Extraordinary Outcomes
We disciple students to reason wisely, speak winsomely, love great books and art, and to rightly order their affections, with their first love being Christ. Although our goal is formation, not information, the rigorous and robust education we offer yields impressive academic outcomes. The fruit of the education we offer is evident in The Good Soil Report.
Known and Loved
We offer a supportive environment of small classes and a joyful culture. Our community comprises like-minded families who share a desire to train their children to love the Lord their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. With many opportunities throughout the year to cultivate relationships, our community feels more like a family.
Extraordinary Outcomes
We disciple students to reason wisely, speak winsomely, love great books and art, and to rightly order their affections, with their first love being Christ. Although our goal is formation, not information, the rigorous and robust education we offer yields impressive academic outcomes. The fruit of the education we offer is evident in The Good Soil Report.
The DVCS Difference
The goal of modern education is college and career readiness. Yet when we consider how much our children are worth and how valuable their relationship with Christ is, this goal feels too small. Our families desire something deeper and eternal. At DVCS, we believe the goal of education is to train the mind and form the soul.
The goal of modern education is college and career readiness. Yet when we consider how much our children are worth and how valuable their relationship with Christ is, this goal feels too small. Our families desire something deeper and eternal. At DVCS, we believe the goal of education is to train the mind and form the soul.