Begin with Grammar

During the Grammar (elementary) stage of a child’s development, children are naturally curious and memorization comes easily. Capitalizing on these abilities, children in the grammar years learn the foundational elements of all subjects through engaging sing-song rhymes and hand motions. These methods help students in Grades K-6 absorb and store facts in long-term memory for building upon with the tools of logic and rhetoric in future years. Our young students build a deep understanding and appreciation of the fine arts. They are formed by truth, goodness, and beauty and become well-rounded individuals ready to to engage, connect, and create across diverse disciplines, for the glory of the Lord.

To learn more about our unique classical Christian curriculum, we encourage you to visit these pages:

Grammar School Distinctives

  • Cursive handwriting
  • A culture of enthusiasm, order, and courtesy to encourage wonder and discovery
  • Phone-free school day with limited use of technology
  • Phonics-based curriculum emphasizing beautiful works of poetry and literature
  • Deep, integrated study of the history of Western civilization and Bible history, so students acquire a rich cultural heritage anchored to Christ-centered truth
  • Latin instruction beginning in 3rd Grade (six years total)
  • Grammar, history, math and science facts memorized through songs and motions so students recall the information for life
  • Extensive opportunities to build confidence and skill in public speaking
  • Small class-sizes where students are known and loved
  • Discipled by older students who demonstrate love and service to others as a part of maturing in stature and faith
  • Tiny Titans Youth Sports; Middle School Sports (Grade 6+)
  • Learning to sing well is emphasized for the eternal purpose of worshiping and glorifying God forever
  • Biblically-guided expectations and approach to discipline

Cultivating a habit of beholding beauty

At Delaware Valley Classical School, we equip our students with eyes to see, ears to hear, and language to express truth, goodness, and beauty. This pursuit is grafted into every subject of classroom study and overflows into God’s creation through many outdoor learning opportunities. Even when the agenda is full, the pace is slow and thoughtful — there is time to pause, observe, reflect, express, and give thanks to God. Through years of practicing this rhythm, we seek to cultivate students who are industrious, yet restful; who, through the ordinary duties of life, perceive truth, goodness, and beauty; and who, being energized by tangible evidence of the eternal, are able to invite others to a place of rest.

…every truth has its being from Him; every law of nature has the impress of His hand; everything beautiful has caught its light from His eternal beauty; every principle of goodness has its foundation in his attributes…” -E.B. Pusey